在社会发展不断趋于全球化的21世纪,各个国家、各个民族的竞争首先是人才的竞争。中国在世界上的和平崛起,首先得益于科教兴国。在这一历史背景下,首都医科大学在本世纪初确立了国内一流,国际知名的发展战略,并开始实施人才培养国际化方针,并酝酿成立国际学院。 2005年为加速学校成为国内一流、国际知名医科大学的进程,进一步开展学校的海外教育工作,扩大海外教育规模,成立了首都医科大学国际学院,2007年国际学院正式招生。 国际学院位于首都医科大学西校区,学院建筑面积三万四千平方米,可为800名海外学生提供食宿,拥有设施齐全的多媒体教室20个,包括两个计算机室、三个临床桥梁课实验室和一个语言实验室。生活配套设施有食堂、咖啡吧、食品超市、商务中心、两个标准篮球场和学生活动室等。为来自世界各地的留学生和港澳台学生提供良好的学习和生活条件。 首都医科大学国际学院是首都医科大学海外教育的主要载体,涵盖管理、招生、教学组织、学生教育等功能,是与首都医科大学其他各学院并行的教学单位之一,是学校各类海外教育的基地。学院开设的教育课程以英语授课的医学专业为主,同时与境外知名大学(如澳大利亚迪肯大学、美国休斯顿医学中心、香港中文大学等)合作举办各类国际教育项目,并通过校际交流引进国外优秀教学资源,每年聘请4-5名客座教授来学院任教。在加强海外留学生教育的同时,学院还积极致力于国内学生的国际化教育,联合国际医学名校为国内学生提供海外留学进修、海外就业培训等系列国际教育项目。现有的教育项目包括:英文授课的医学学历教育、国际合作项目、预科教育、学生校际交流项目、海外执业资格认证考试培训、语言培训。 目前,首都医科大学国际学院已成为全国重点医学高校同类学院中教学资源丰富、教学质量有保证、办学规模发展较快,衷心致力于发展国际合作教育并呈现出良好发展势头的国际教育学院。 The International School of Capital Medical University was founded in 2005. The International School is located on the West Campus of Capital Medical University. The school occupies an area of 3.5 acres with a floor area of 34,000m2, sufficient to provide good living and learning environment for more than 800 overseas students. There are 20 multimedia classrooms, including 2 computer rooms, 3 bridge course laboratories and 1 language lab. Living facilities consist of a canteen, food supermarket, coffee bar, business center, two standard basketball court and student activity rooms. The international school is the main facility of overseas student education of Capital medical university. The MBBS program, taught in English Language is recognized by the Ministry of Education China, IMED, W.H.O., the USA Medical Council, the Thai Medical Council, and several other major medical councils of the world. Our curriculum design makes full use of the advantages of Capital Medical University which has unique rich medical educational resources. Many of the professors are Chinese national leading researchers overseeing up-to-date research laboratories. The existing educational projects include:
·Medical English classes
·International Collaboration with universities
·Preparatory education
·Student exchange program
·Overseas qualification certification training ·ACT Center and Programs
The International students come from more than 50 nationalities including Thailand, India, Australia,Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, USA, Canada and others. As the International School has students from various countries, students enjoy a multicultural environment. Different kind of cultural activities like annual sports and cultural events and interactive programs are conducted between foreign and Chinese students.
The International School of Capital Medical University has become the leader in the nation and abroad for its rich teaching resources, teaching quality assurance, and the level of development. The International School is pioneering the implementation of global standards in medical education in China.
International partners |
Chadron State College in USA |
Colorado Mesa University in USA |
Deakin University in Australia |
Honors English Language School in South Korea |
Houston Medical Center in USA |
International Study Institute in Japan |
Lead My World LLC in USA |
Namseoul University in South Korea |
Philadelphia University in USA |
PIMA Medical Institute in USA |
University of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia |
Valdosta State University in USA |